
Headjack is an open source project and there are tons of ways to contribute.

Contributing Code

Currently the project does not have a rigid set of contribution rules but here are some tips.

  • The CI that runs for PRs uses the commands make lint and make test. Once those are passing locally, PR checks should also pass.
  • If you want early feedback on a branch before it’s ready, it can be useful to open a PR as a draft and link to it in an open issue.
  • When it makes sense, try to pair your PR with a new or existing issue. This can help track multiple connected PRs.
  • If you have an idea for big changes or changes that touch many parts of the codebase, feel free to first open an issue requesting a community sync meeting to have a casual discussion. Not only is it helpful to brainstorm together but others may also be eager to jump in and help!

Contributing Docs

To run the headjack docs site locally, Make sure you have Hugo installed.

Pull down the DoIt theme which is included as a submodule.

git submodule update --init --recursive

Change into the docs directory, then start up the hugo server.

cd docs
hugo server --contentDir=content/0.1.0

The docs site is designed in a way to make contributing new content as easy as possible. All markdown files can be found in a flat directory located at docs/content/<latest version>. Instead of directory based organization or an explicitly configured navbar, the documentation site takes advantage of the tags, categories, and series front-matter at the top of each file to determine placement. Try not to think too hard about which to set for each as we occasionally use a language model to determine the right values given the content of the page. In summary, add a markdown file to the latest docs content directory and things should pretty much just work!